Diamond-based single-molecule magnetic resonance spectroscopy


JM Cai, Jelezko, F, Plenio, MB , and Retzker, A. 1/11/2013. “Diamond-Based Single-Molecule Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy”. New Journal Of Physics, 15. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1367-2630/15/1/013020/meta.


The detection of a nuclear spin in an individual molecule represents a key challenge in physics and biology whose solution has been pursued for many years. The small magnetic moment of a single nucleus and the unavoidable environmental noise present the key obstacles for its realization. In this paper, we demonstrate theoretically that a single nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond can be used to construct a nano-scale single-molecule spectrometer that is capable of detecting the position and spin state of a single nucleus and can determine the distance and alignment of a nuclear or electron spin pair. The proposed device would find applications in single-molecule spectroscopy in chemistry and biology, for example in determining the protein structure or in monitoring macromolecular motions, and can thus provide a tool to help unravel the microscopic mechanisms underlying bio-molecular function.
Last updated on 07/04/2021